Make no mistake, the quality of the questions you ask on a job interview are as important to landing an offer as how well you answer the questions asked of you. Even with basic questions, how they are framed and posed will be judged by the interviewer. With preparation and thought you can connect words or concepts to a question that indicate your knowledge of the person, the organization, markets served, their products and/or services, customers, and the challenges of the position you are seeking.
Here are the best five #interviewquestions to ask:
How would you describe the company’s values and ability to remain a market leader for so long in such a highly competitive market?
What are the top three “must haves” for the right person you want to hire for this role?
What are the key performance indicators for this position?
What are the top attributes of people like you that senior leaders here look for when it comes to promotions?
What would the last person in this position say are the most challenging aspects of the job?
You don’t want to be perceived as an integrator or investigative reporter by asking too many questions, but most answers you receive will beg a follow up question in the Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How category.
Who would you say represents effective servant leadership?
What has your annualized sales growth been since the Pinnacle product line was introduced?
Why did sales drop off in Europe last year?
Where do you see Acme expanding its operations in the next five years?
How might that affect production?
Frank Manfre Career & Business Coaching