A disturbingly large number of people today are unhappy with their work. Many are overworked, stressed out, and miserable. Others are just feeling inspired and want to find meaning in their work. I refer to this as Psychic Salary™, i.e. all the positive things one derives from their work beyond monetary compensation, benefits, and status.
The good news is that if you’re unhappy with your job, or without one, a career transition that provides job satisfaction is within your grasp. Changing careers, conducting a job search, or starting a business is more complicated than ever before. An experienced career coach can help you address the unique challenges of today’s job market, from social media to new ways of funding your own business. An effective coach will help you identify the type of work you’re best suited for and provides the and the inspiration to make a meaningful career change.
Launching a Business – Some folks are simply tired of a boss, especially an overbearing one that micromanages them. For them starting a business has long been a dream. Once “right sized” some choose to forego searching for a new job and rather take the leap of faith to start a business and finally do what they’ve always to do, and in doing so finally attain the Psychic Salary they deserve.
What’s Next?
Many people who retire expecting a life of leisure don’t have a clue about how to spend the rest of their lives and begin to grow restless. They ask themselves “What’s next?” I derive great satisfaction from helping these people find something that provides a sense of purpose and energizes them. Often it is not related to their former career identity but rather something that gives them satisfaction and comes with a high Psychic Salary.
The transition is hard for many who find difficulty in separating their identity from what they did for many years. You may have encountered this when meeting new people. Many will ask “What do you do?” As if what we do defines who we are. Counseling these people entails helping them get clarity on what they really enjoy doing and what they are good at. Too often people spend a career doing things they may be proficient at but actually hate doing.
With a new client my discovery process covers three areas:
1. Where you have been
2. Where are you now
3. Where you want to go
I challenge them to learn new skills and try doing things they have never done before. Not as a drill instructor pushing them, but as someone who nudges them out of their comfort zone into the stretch zone. This can be a lot of fun and highly rewarding. I will also support them on their new career journey with regular check in calls.
When someone finds their passion and develops a personal mission statement, they seemingly transform into a high energy person with a renewed zest for life – and it shows!
Want to learn more? Contact me for a free, no obligation 45 minute phone coaching session: Text 678.644.8683 or email frank@frankmanfre.com
Frank Manfre Job Search www.frankmanfre.com